Sunday, November 29, 2009

A fresh start

Well, I bought a house a couple of weeks ago. I can't wait to get all my stuff the way I want it! Talk about STUFF. I never realized I had so much .... stuff! I can't just say it's baby stuff, most of it is mine. I am trying to simplify but sometimes it's hard to let go of STUFF. Hard to let go of the old house, what was suppose to be. I found of a lot of his stuff while moving although I thought I got rid of most of it. Mostly junk you know. Had another garage sale and ended up giving away most of it. I guess moving on brings up lots of emotions. I remember moving in (of course it was only two 1/2 years ago). Oh how I loved that house. I still drive by it sometimes. Sometimes on accident, sometimes on purpose. Cory and I will start a new life together and be very happy. It's very exciting! Can't wait to see what's in store for us next! I cannot express my gratitude to everyone who has helped me the past year and a 1/2. You know who you are ;) I don't know what I would do without my parents, aunts, uncles, brother etc. I love you all.
I will post pics of the house soon! I've been so dang busy lately!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let me catch you up!!

Sorry everyone! It's been way to long since I have blogged!! Let me catch you up on what's been going on!! Cory just all of a sudden is growing growing growing!! In the last two weeks she has changed so much! In the last two weeks she has cut a tooth and started sitting up on her own. She is working on learning to crawl and pulling up. She is full of energy and always wants to be on the move!! She has her great grandma's firey temper and if she doesn't get her way she lets every single person know it! Her personality is the same as the day she was born just stronger and more expressive. It's wonderful to see her grow. I can't believe how big she is getting but is still so small!

Cory at 1 month old, this picture was taken at her aunt Shakakhan's house (aka charlotte's). This picture brings back really good memories of our first visit!

Cory at 2 months old... pretty in pink. She was starting her "social smiles". During this month she learned how to rollover from back to belly.

Cory at 4 months. Little mischievious expression!! She is definately figuring us all out!!

Cory at 5 months making us all smile with her toothless grin!

We have bought a new house and are signing papers for it today! Yeah! A brand new start for me and the baby, I can't wait! I will post pics as soon as the house is together! Very hardworking strong men moved us there all weekend and everything I own is in the master bedroom (scary!). I have my work cut out for me for the next couple of weeks!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Grins anyone?

Okay... Cory is smiling on purpose now! It is not just a muscle reflex!! I was laughing and talking to her this morning and she would just smile and smile!! Then it got old and she cried haha!! She is so amazing!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Exciting Times

Well, Cory is changing everyday! I weighed her today and she is 8 pounds and 13 1/2 oz. Can you believe a month ago she was born? Now, 4 weeks older and two pounds heavier she is growing and changing so fast! Everyday she looks a little different, is a little more alert, notices a little more of her environment. It is so awesome to watch her (awake and asleep). My friend recently visited us. Her daughter is 8 months old, has brown hair, blue eyes and a smile that is all gums and can stop traffic! You know the kind of smile that makes you smile or even laugh back? Well, I was her delivery nurse, so along with that comes a special attachment you know? Well I just couldn't believe how much she had grown, how expressive and playful she was. It made me wish that Cory was at that stage! I know I shouldn't wish time away--for sure, but I can't help but wish she was more responsive to me. I cant wait until she looks at me and smiles, says "mama", or "I love you!" Until then, I will be content with her occasional grin, tongue movements, farts and grunts!! HAHA. I dream of what she will look like at 2 mo, 3, 4,5,6 etc. One month already gone.... wow!

Friday, May 15, 2009

How Sweet it is to be loved by you....

How wonderful to be a mother... To see her big deep blue eyes staring at me is the best thing in the world. I find myelf living to see her grin... trying so hard to do anything to make her smile at me!! Her oooooo face when she has gas and her yawn and cries make me laugh! I don't know if she has the capacity to LOVE someone yet or just knows she needs me for survival but there's no doubt how I feel about her! My house is now filled with swings, bouncers, tubs, bassinets, bottles and breast pump accessories haha!! It is so crazy how a life can change overnight!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Well, finally, she has arrived!! (And finally a new blog entry as arrived as well)

Yes after many months of waiting (and many hours of labor) Cory Marie Pilgrim was delivered via cesarean section on April 29, 2009. She has completely changed my life and I cannot imagine it without her now! Everyday she does something new and different and I can see her personality shaping! I don't think you know true love until you have a child, it's something you can't describe and truly unmeasurable.

She's not only changed my life but she has grabbed ahold of her grandparents hearts and hasn't let go. I love to watch my parents hold her and see the love they have for her. It's amazing the love and joy a baby can bring to a family. My brother and sister in law can only see her via web cam, but it will have to do for now! I can't wait to have my brother see her and hold her. I know she will love him endlessly and he will be the greatest uncle ever!!

Not only am I a mother this year, I will always be an aunt too! I cannot wait to see my brother's child and love him/her too!! I have a feeling Cory and I will take a lot of trips to Las Angeles to visit. I can just see those two babies walking barefoot on the beach together, playing and laughing. I cannot wait! These are such exciting times for our family and hopfully just the beginning!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh the songs he sings.... (Elton John that is)

I was listening to the radio and heard this Elton John song. No, it's not a new song nor is it one I hadn't heard, but the words hit me in ways like it never has before... probably better with the melody to listen to but...

Hey you, you're a child in my head
You haven't walked yet
Your first words have yet to be said
But I swear you'll be blessed

I know you're still just a dream
your eyes might be green
Or the bluest that I've ever seen
Anyway you'll be blessed

And you, you'll be blessed
You'll have the best
I promise you that
I'll pick a star from the sky
Pull your name from a hat
I promise you that, promise you that, promise you that
You'll be blessed

I need you before I'm too old
To have and to hold
To walk with you and watch you grow
And know that you're blessed

Showers of love!

I am so lucky to have the friends and family that I have!! The support everyone has shown during this pregnancy is so awesome! I was thrown not just one great shower, but two! The first was with my friends and family and the second from my work friends!! I am beyond appreciative of the gifts that were given and the time and energy sacrificed on our behalves!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunny Honey

You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine.
When you're not happy, my skies are grey...
This is my cat. Can you guess her name? Sunshine is such a fitting name. In fact, my niece Audrey named her when Sunny was just a kitten. We got her from my mother n law, brought her home and made her ours. She is sooo funny. It's been a rough relationship between her and me but she has turned into my little princess and I couldn't imagine my life without her. She started off wild and would tear up carpet, bite, and run around crazy. She is mellow now. She will still have an occasional bite, but she is learning!! Since she was declawed when she was little it's her only defense--but she doesn't use it as a defense. She bites me on the nose at night while I am sleeping to wake me up. I will never get used to the midnight bite!!! She tells me when her food bowl is almost empty-- Actually she tells anyone that will listen!! She loves being outside. She stays in the backyard but will go under the house in the heat of day or cold of night. Most of the time she is an indoor kitty though!

Home Sweet Home

MY house....
I couldn't imagine living anywhere else!! Although, of course I could! My neighborhood is quiet and all of the houses have character. When we were looking for houses, I saw this one and knew it was THE ONE. I wouldn't settle for anything else...

It was built in 1921 and literally looks like a little gingerbread house! We dug up the hedges that were in front and I planted rose bushes which bloom every spring! I love having fresh cut roses in the house! My yard looks the best in summer when the grass is green and the flowers are in bloom! It's definately not easy to keep up landscaping and I have sincere respect and admiration for those who have the imaculate yards! This is as much as I can handle, and at times too much!!!

Every rose bush is different. The Oklahoma roses which are red (not shown) have the most scent. There were two rose bushes already here when I moved in that stand as tall as the house. The stems are so thick, as if you bought them from the florist. I love these purple roses (shown below) when they start to die they turn a lilac color that is just gorgeous!!

My NEW BATHROOM!! Can you tell I'm excited about it? It's taken a long time to get it to look like this!!

A lot of people's blood, sweat, tears (and not to mention $$)!! I am so glad it is finished... now just finishing touches need to go up such as wall hangings, mirrors, etc.

But I have to say the first bubble bath I took was well worth the wait!!

I picked out the fixtures at and am lucky that I have a dad in the busines :) I am pretty decisive when it comes to picking things out, so it wasn't very difficult when I was deciding how I wanted everything to look!

My mother n law put the wallpaper up and did a beautiful job! Everything turned out better than I thought it could!
Thanks to EVERYONE that helped make it happen!

So close to the next chapter

Well, it's not long until she's here!!! She will be the life of my life the pride of my pride!! I can't wait to see her face and hear her voice. What will she look like? Will she have my lips? Jason's chin? My grandma's eyes? Will she be blonde or brunette? So many questions need answers!! In less than 5 weeks my life will change!